Zachary G. Xenios: AD 1Project
Fall Semester 2019 - ProjectThe first step in any project is information and research. My class randomly selected landscape by drawing. My landscape was the rain forest so I read up a bunch about the climate, geography, and general properties of the rain forest. This lead me the 4 main points to build from. First always big sturdy roof because of the rain(duh). Second raised platforms for the creepy crawlies. Third large open areas for large air floe to bear the heat and humidity. Fourth and finally work/storage space under neath. My first models tried to incorporate these as the main principals but not much can be done with three plans.
Final Cube Model: Stair Step Cage
My final model has three medium plans for floor space, a large roof covering over half of the model, and a cage like structure detailing one of the corners and adding frame work to break up the left side.
Our model study had us build a verity of model to generate different ideas of structures that might best suite the particular environment. We then took the best model and developed the idea further and added bass wood sticks to finish it off.
Final drafts
After we finished our models we learned about interior perspective and drafted a point within or right outside of our model to showcase it as if you were actually there. The last step was a full axonometric draft of the completed model with the base model colored to show the models origins.
Zachary G. Xenios
Our project this semester was to design a sustainable house to fit the needs of a current millennial couple on a vacant plot outside our school building. We began by researching the millennial generation and sustainable architecture. After we completed our research we made a collage about their generation and then a poster about sustainability.
Study models and scale drafts
After we turned in our collages we started brain storming designs for houses. we pickled our favorite three designs and then made study models and drafts to play with our ideas. we also made an opposite of our favorite model to explore more ideas. After we made models we thought all about sustainability and floor plans. From there we picked out favorite and made scale drafts and bubble maps to displace space.
Final productionAt this point in our project time line we were at the beginning of the end. we started to learn auto cad so we could make precis drafts of on the computer. This is when we started finalizing all the details and working on finishing all of it. For our final presentation we need 4 elevation, floor plan, site plan, and a site section. Our final grade was determined by real architects that came and judged our work
My project was one long room with a bunch or twists and turn for privacy. It has a medium kitchen, several big living spaces, master bed and bath, guest bed and bath and lots of space for storage and utility's. it has an out door siting area with a nice fireplace that's surrounded by garden walls. there is a drive loop at the front of the house for two cars.