About the Client
Lucas Fontanella - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;
Fontanella Residence Garden
The objective of the project was to reflect the ideas presented throughout the Information Age in the medium of a garden. Flowing water is the main concept present in the project, representing the rapid travel of communication. Representing the endless possibilities brought by communication, the garden features an infinity pool at one end of the garden.
Fontanella Residence
With the purpose of conceptually and functionally reflecting trends depicted in the Shift Age, Fontanella Residence was built adjacent to its garden. The main aesthetic focus of the house is the set of curves located on the northern face of the house, representing the "flow to global" and "exponential growth" trends brought by the Shift Age. Additionally, the concept of "growing consciousness" described as part of the Shift Age is represented by the abundance of glass panels surrounding the house. Functionally, the house's glass walls provide natural lighting, allowing the home to conserve energy while the future installation of solar energy panels on the roof facilitates the switch to a clean source of energy, crucial to Shift Age conservation of resources.