Domanick Kendall: Architectural Design I
Project 01: Fibonacci Cube
We were studying the Fibonacci Sequence and using the sequence to create three proportioned planes. After, we chose the plane we thought best fit the landscape we were assigned, which we added more planes and basswood to make a 8x8x8 inch cube. We also learned how to draw perspective drawings and got a better understanding of how to model.
Landscape: Swamp
the landscape i was assigned was Swamp, it may seem like the worst place to build a home and may seem weird. However, when you really dig deep and get to fully understand swamps you come to understand it would be an amazing place to live. We are told swamps are dangerous and not a place you would want to visit, but it is full of life and adventure. A swamp is an area of land permanently filled, with water. There are two main types of swamps: freshwater swamps and saltwater swamps. they filled with trees, birds and fish and are often named for the type of trees that grow in them, such as cypress swamps or hardwood swamps. Swamps are also among the most valuable ecosystems on Earth. They act like giant sponges or reservoirs. When heavy rains cause flooding, swamps and other wetlands absorb excess water, moderating the effects of flooding. Swamps also protect coastal areas from storm surges that can wash away fragile coastline. Saltwater swamps and tidal salt marshes help anchor coastal soil and sand.
Drawings and Model
My main goal in creating my planes was to have good amount of room and space. It also had to be elevated for protection and still be open for natural cooling.
After building my model we had to create a parallel drawing of are model. I built my model to be elevated to protect you from the ever changing water levels and any animals that pass by. I made the room secured, but open for air to naturally keep you cool. The blue platform is one of my three original planes, I chose that plane because in my opinion it fit the environment the best.