Project 01:Artist Retreat
This house retreat is for the artist Mary Miss.Its going to be built by a lake in the state of North Dakota.Its going to have everything she needs.
Project Research
Mary Miss likes working with geometric shapes.This piece of art is called "South Cove."
Mixed Media
This mixed media art is inspired by the supplies Mary Miss uses an example is wood.
Design Process
These designs influence me to make my final design using geometric shapes.Since she uses rectangles and squares.
Final Design
Global Maker Space
Religion:The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.My 3D model is a mixture of two major religions which are Islam and Christianity.You can see the dome which Islam temples have and you can see the cross which Christian temples have.
Project 02:Africa Maker Space
When we were first starting we were thinking of making the maker space all in one building.Since we were in Africa we thought to make it in Egypt and make the building similar to a pyramid.After looking all of Africa we came across Sassandra in the Ivory Coast. This was a perfect spot because it was near water and we saw three island which we thought we could make buildings in each island.
Site Plan
Our site is three different islands.Each building is in a different island.Our community space is first,after that comes the long bridge and in the middle is the maker space close to the farm.At the end is the living houses and villas.
Living Area
The Maker Space
Community Space