Saira Cortez: Architectural Design I
Project 01: City Pavilion
A pavilion based on Salt Lake City, was my first project. How was I feeling? Nervous. We were put into groups after our city to collect information on its architecture, historic events, and its characteristics. After the research, we made a city grid analysis, that was later used to make a parti. The parti contains the most unique features of the city grid. Once we had our idea we had to create the pavilion, however not all of it, only two planes. Once the two sides plus the base were done, I drew my first ever axonometric drawing, a monster. I never thought I was going to be able to do it, but it was so fascinating seeing the end result.
City Research
Salt Lake City, located in Utah was the place that my model was based on. I had never heard of it before until we started the project, so I was relief that we had to do research on it. My first impression on the city-"It's so religious." You can't escape it, the architectural style reminded me of it, due to it having a lot of old buildings, mainly with the cathedral style. But, there were some things that I did not expect at all. For example, the 2002 Winter Olympics games were held at Salt Lake City. The place has a lot going on, but it's very accepting in its own way. I would describe this city as a very funny one.
Drawing and Model
Each elevation illustrates how each side of the model looks likes. The axonometric drawing is done at a 45 degree angle, that lets you see the inside of an illustration. In mine, we are able to see the South, and the West elevation.
For my model I started with my West elevation, because I was able to show how the highway comes and disturbs a nice grid turning it into an anti-grid. I decided to continue the design from that plane, allowing it to come together, and represent Salt Lake City. |
Axonometric Drawing
Final Cube: Model
Project 02: The New Log CabinThe new log cabin was a project where we, first-year architecture students, were expected to design an inventive cabin. Our dwelling had to be fit for the 21st century, and for us to live in. The placement of our cabin had to be in East Texas, so we had to do research about the environment that we were working with. As well as research about cabins, and wood.
Project Site
We were working with approximately 1/3 of an acre, but the placement of anything came at random. We closed our eyes and drew five different lines on our yellow paper, that would tell us where the topography of our land would change, by 1 one foot. The placement of our trees was determined by coins that we tossed into a similar piece of paper with the same border lines, from a cup or from our hands. The tree sizes were set on the sizes of the coins. We continued by analyzing the land, seeing the sun's pathway, the wind directions and more. This enlighten me to further understand the territory and help me find a location for my cabin. The south of my property had more space for me to work with. In addition, sun traveled through the south making one of my concept ideas to work perfect with that location.
Final Site Analysis
Concept Idea
My first idea, an idea solely based on letting natural light in. By combining the south wall with the roof, creating an arc like shape, with windows, it would allow sunlight to ray straight to the interior. However, when the floor plans were finished it started to interfere with the main idea, causing me to shift my thinking about the south elevation, and the floor plans.
Final Design
After many alterations to both, the elevations and the floor plans, I have the final design for my cabin. Eight windows on the south side of the main building, four for each floor. One in the garage by the utility room, and 2 in the hallway between the garage and main building. The floor plans changed drastically, especially because of the hobby space. I tend to say that painting is my hobby, but in reality, I don't paint a lot nor am I passionate it about it. However, I do enjoy baking and cooking at time. In a weird way, baking helps me release stress, and cooking makes me feel responsible. After being honest with myself, I made the kitchen bigger as well as adding another stove, making the kitchen also my hobby space. Another problem that I had was too much sunlight, in the master bedroom. So, to limit any extra light in the bedroom I decided to not include any windows on the east. I eventually did the same to the west, eliminating the balconies on both sides. The end result looks very different from my original idea. I will admit I am not 100% satisfy with it, but I would definitely live it.