Fibonacci Cube
Greek architects used the fibonacci spiral and the golden ration as a essential to their designs. The fibonacci sequence shows certain numerical patterns and later turned out to have a interesting and importance to architects.
The model consists of six planes being added to my three plane model and some 1/8 basswood elements being added to the whole model. The basswood is suppose to complete the openings of my cube and define the openings. These six planes will then create solid panels into my three plane model design.
Three Plane Model Design
This is a design of my original three plane model. On the left side you could see the design of the model in four different views. On the right side you could see the original three plane model.
Site Plan Drawing |
Elevation Plan Drawings |
Floor Drawings
These are my floor plans of my tower. Unlike other towers my classmates have done my tower only contains 2 floors.
Study Model |
Final Model |