Arleth Jaimes: Architectural Design I
Project 01: Fibonacci Cube

In this project we got assigned a very random landscape. Ranging from a tundra to a prairie we had to build a fibonacci cube specific to that landscape. the process was quite enjoyable. Sure it was stressful but once you step back when your finished you feel accomplished and proud of relieved. I had surprised myself on how much I learned with just one project.
Landscape: Swamp
Drawings and Model
Plane Study Drawing
The thing I focused on the most was elevation and airflow. Both of these things have a purpose. The airflow is to decrease the humidity of the landscape. The elevation was due to the fact that a swamp is almost completely water and we don't want any flooding and or water damage to the house. Elevation is also key because the ground is soft so therefore you need deep and solid beams through the water.
Project 02: Eco-House
In this project we had to make a home for a millennial that also had to be sustainable. We were given the land in front of the TECCE to work with. First a couple of students designed the lot spaces for the whole neighborhood and the surroundings. Then we had a raffle to see which lot we would get. Every lot was a different size. Some were big some were small. They all varied in the angle they enclosed into. I got lot 26, across the pond, facing north. It was one of the bigger lots which I was very happy about. then we learned how to use AutoCad. it was difficult at first but then I overcame all the challenges.
Millennial Collage:
Since we were told we had to make a house for a Millennial couple we did some research. We made a millennial collage form magazines. It was difficult to find things since most of the magazines were based on architecture and not things like drama, change, or just people in generaI focused on finding things that most millennials use or do. Then I focused on dates or things that happened during their generation.
Sustainabilty:We were also told that we had to make our house sustainable. Sustainability means that something gives more to the environment than it takes. So we had to do things like natural air ventilation, use lots of natural lighting, and do things like recycle water. Things like that reduce production pollution and reduce things like bills for water and electricity.
Designing our Home:To design our houses we just started to brainstorm. We learned that just because something isn't covered in plants it doesn't mean it isn't sustainable. We also learned a good way to show where our rooms are without having to draw a floor plan. Its called bubble diagrams. The picture on the right shows some of my first bubble diagrams for my models. Then we learned how to make floor plans in AutoCad, such as the ones shown below. The one shown below is my final product floor plan.
Floor plan
Elevations and Section CutsThen we learned how to make elevations and sections. Elevations are the sides of the buildings. It shows the height of the building and all the exterior details. A section is also the side of the building but instead of showing the exterior it shows the interior of a section of the building. The ones below are the elevations and section.
Section cut