Victor Cha: Freestyle Skiing Training Dorm
Project Objective: design a dormitory facility that will house Olympic Athletes as they train.
Freestyle Skiing: An Overview
For this project, a Winter Olympic Sport was to be selected, and I chose Freestyle Skiing. Of all the Winter Olympic sports, Freestyle Skiing is the most diverse, boasting 6 different disciplines– Aerials, Moguls, Ski Cross, Halfpipe, Slopestyle, and Big Air. Each discipline, although sharing some similarities, have their own core, distinctive features. Aerials involve jumping after accelerating down a ramp, and Moguls consists of going down a mounded slope with a few ramps in the path. Ski Cross is like Moto Cross but with skis, and Halfpipe, like the name suggests, consists of jumps on a halfpipe. Slopestyle and Big Air are pretty similar; they both involve jumping off ramps and doing tricks while getting as much altitude as possible. But the overarching principle throughout all the disciplines is that athletes are scored based on how fast they can complete the course and the level of difficulty of the tricks that they do.
Site: Deer Valley Resort - Park City, Utah
In the United States, there are numerous training sites for Olympic Skiers of which, I chose Deer Valley Resort, located in Park City, Utah. Deer Valley resort was commissioned as an official training site for Freestyle Skiing in 2019, in preparation for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. The site, being situated in the Wasatch Range, is well suited for Olympic Skiers, as they would have direct access to the ski trails.
Preliminary Design Concepts
There will be text here.
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Olympic Dorm - Final Model Development
These floor plans were created from the program. This plan was mostly accurate and for the most part, directly translated to my study model, Sketchup model, and Revit file.
With the Revit model, I was able to make a final model. The site was made using sketchup and autocad.