Ayden harrington, architecture design 1
project one, Fibonacci cube
for the first part of project one we made a Fibonacci spiral and used the knowledge to help with the rest of the project
element research collage. the main idea for the beginning of this project was a whale interacting with the model
physical model. this shows the physical cube model I made with the three planes model inside.
sketch up models, in the sketch up software, we created 3d models of our physical cube model. we also made models of the original 3 planes model.
the photos below show the original 3 planes model which represents a whale. this was done before making the cube and placing it inside.
Project 02 Un-plug cabin
for the second project of the semester, we were to draw at random a biome and an element and create a cabin within the environment. after researching the biome we formed idea for a couple of weeks about how we were going to connect the occupants in the cabin with our biome and element.
Element for project: Earth
Biome for project: temperate rain forest
project research

'the first step in the project was to research the biome and how you could incorporate it into your element. I found that the temperate rain forest is a-lot of different things at once. It has dense and bushy areas, as well as large forest trees with open, rocky spaces. There are many trails to be explored in the temperate rain forest and each one provides a new perspective. Since my biome was a forest and my element was earth it was pretty obvious wat type of environment I wanted for my cabin. Originally I wanted a somewhat open space with a nearby water source. what planned to build was a cabin that didn't destroy the natural earth and environment around it. The cabin would be built amongst the trees, instead of mutilating and disturbing the forest and its inhabitants. Each of the three hallways in the cabin will have a tree sprouting straight up through the cabin floor. I would use natural materials(wood) gathered from the forest. And paste like substance would be made from mud and other materials to hold the structure together. The inside of the cabin won't have the latest technology. This better connects the occupants with the element and its naturalness.
Cabin arrival method
Now that you understand my initial thought process here are some photos of what to expect for your experience upon arrival
Concept Design
Final design
In the final physical model, the design was changed a little to meet the criteria of the project. but all the elements and ideas are still incorporated into the final design and model. In the floor plan, you can see three circles in the cabin. These represent the trees that burst up through the cabin floor. You can also see the center of the cabin, which represents the in- ground mud-bath/spa. The initial design of the cabin was changed a little from the original model to meet some requirements for the project. The in-ground mud bath in the center is made from natural materials and the walls are kept as the dirt around the structure when it is dug into the cabin.