Jose Alejandro: Course (Architectural Design I)
Project 01: Fibonacci Cube
Drawings and Model
Each set of planes is made of 3 planes each getting bigger following the Fibonacci sequence. We connected these planes to make a model. Then from here we choose one of the models to be the original 3 plane model and start to make it to the cube
Project 02: Mexican-US Border Tower
Our goal for project 02 is to make a border tower using our Fibonacci Cube from project 01. We stared this project by doing research on what to expect from the Mexico-US border. This research drawing is made to show us there is more to the border than just a line between two countries.
Drawings and Models
Our first step to making the tower is to plan what to change from the original Fibonacci cube to make it more habitable for someone to use it as a tower. We need to keep in mind that there should be three different types of spaces for sitting, laying, and standing. Once we have an idea on how too make our towers we start to make them on SketchUP. When we're done with the tower we place it somewhere on the site as long as it is thirty feet away from the wall.