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Case Study Project : Eames House
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First Drawin gs of The House
These images are of the first four works we created for this project.
-No. 1: A concept drawing representing who we think our architect is, what they created, and the styles they used. -No. 2 & No. 3: A floor plan and elevation of the architects case study house. In my case, it was they Eames House. -No. 4: A parti diagram of our house, representing what we think is important and the main idea of the house. |
Sketches and Models for Pavilion
These images are for the Pavilion we created.
-No. 1 & No. 2: The first idea I had for my pavilion, a contemporary design that features 3 main pieces put together on angles, the two side walls and the roof. It was to be made of glass walls and a wooden roof. -No. 3 & No. 4: My refined idea would more closely resemble the Eames house, boxy and constructed with lots of glass and steel beams. It was going to feature a roof that would catch rain water and move it between the panes of glass to grab the attention of pedestrians. -No. 5, No. 6, & No.7: The model that I constructed to be my study model was similar to the final sketches I made, but there were a few changes. I changed the size of it to be the same height as the Eames House, as well as made an organic cut into the ceiling and placed another organic shape above it to keep out the elements but allow natural light in. Finally I took out the idea of using water between the glass. |
Final 3D created Pavilion
Final product created on Sketchup of our pavilions.
All Images: The finished product of my pavilion, rendered. I had to add more support beams to keep it from caving in, as well as bringing some of the glass all the way down to the ground to give it more of an enclosed feeling, yet still having four large openings. I kept the organic hole in the roof, but covered it with a large red, opaque covering above it. The architects last name, Eames, is displayed above the entrances on all four sides of the pavilion. Inside there are chairs that were designed by the Eames, and a screen displaying the films they created. On the floor the floor-plan for their house can be found. |
Project 2: Shotgun House
Paul Smith - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
Preliminary Drawings
-No. 1- The first parti diagram I created for the Shotgun House. It focuses on the idea of a front porch and 3 divided spaces inside with a single line of movement.
-No. 2, 3, 4- The concept designs changed the location of the garage over 3 different designs. It started under the house, then in the rear of the property, then finally to the end of the house. The only interior change was the configuration of the master bed, bath, and closet. -No. 5- The second parti diagram is of the final house, with very similar ideas but a very distinct line separating the garage and main living area of the house. It also has a box around where the two bedrooms were stacked on top of each other on different floors to emphasize the personal areas of the house. |
AutoCAD Drawings
My autocad drawings did not change much from my original sketch ideas, however they did change slightly. I changed the fact that the house was elevated, I re positioned the storage spaces to the upstairs office and made the guest bathroom bigger and more functional.
For the elevations, I stuck with my design and kept the house built with siding. I decided to keep the triangular roof for the front half of the house and kept a flat roof over the garage and office to signify that it was a significant change from the original house style. |
Presentation Model
The final model for my modern shotgun house was two stories and was longer than the average shotgun house, mainly because of the garage attached to the rear of the house. In the front, I decided to get rid of the front porch and add a new area for my client to open up a garage door to look at cars and the outdoors. It serves the same purpose, but fits in to my clients interests a little bit better. The garage on the rear has two garage doors to fit two cars in to be worked on.
Sketchup Model
My sketchup model has a few slight changes from the presentation model and AutoCAD files. The main difference is the garage space being made from glass to show that it is an open, public space to work on cars. I decided to make glass rails on the porch and balcony so it has less obstruction of any views, similar to the garage.