This is the first project of Architectural design 1. The assignment was to design a tiny home that is portable by crane, trailer, semi, or truck. Specific measurements were given for the house that we could not extend over. I created a tiny home that is similar to a shipping container. I maxed out the measurements to; height=13'-6", length=24'-0", width=8'-6". The house has a steel frame so that it can be transported by crane. The exterior consists of steel and wood. The main part to this house is the roof. The roof is made of glass giving the homeowner an ultimate view to the sky and the surroundings outside. The roof raises when stationary, giving the homeowner the ability to stand up in the loft.
Concept Drawing
This drawing helped me build ideas and work towards my final drawings.
Average cost of living
The average cost of living in Georgia is less than living in most every state in the US
The average cost of living in Georgia is less than living in most every state in the US
Project 02 Concept Drawings
This was my very first design. It followed up to be the design I used in my final Project.
This is the concept floor plan that I drew out and decided matched best with my concept elevation. This drawing eventually became my final floor plan.
These drawings are concepts for my second floor and basement.
Project 02 Client
We were allowed to create our own client for this project. I created Clint Northman. Clint is a reserve Air Force pilot. He is stationed in Houston County, Georgia. He is married to Claire Northman. Clint's hobbies include hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, and watching the Georgia Bulldogs. Clint needed a house where he could do everything he loves. So I created a house that has room for him to watch football with friends, embrace the outdoors, and live the life he wants.
Site Plan. The house is nowhere near any other houses. This gives Clint the feeling of being outdoors. There is also a picnic table farther back on the property. This allows Clint and his wife to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors and the nature it hides.