the master plan journey for the winter Olympics for livigno
The journey of livigno, to the from sketches ,to a master plan to out team to finish our master plan has been into other of pictures, to other of my classmates cam e up with their own ideas to their people to their news to their new plans of their own website but will be showing to my own ideas of my building.
into about livigno
my main ideas
plan sketches
study models
come with the shape from m idea where I connected of all of them into one the shape form I dead number 1 the roof form number 2 and the coming of the materials form the third idea from the connection of the buiilidng to the shpae of the roof
Revit models
the Revit models is show into better picture of the building to where it looks to a seven with better picture to the where the building located form 1st floor to the all they way of the roof their shape are more show on my study models to the where windows that stair are located