In this project I designed a pavilion to help day laborers wait for job offers. To help me make the pavilion I had to first understand what day laborers do. So I investigated and found information to help me on my project. Honestly I did not have a good understanding of what day laborers do so investigating day laborers really helped me understand what space my client would want.
Day Labor Word Selection
Drawings and Models
To start this part of the project I grabbed pieces of cardboard and cut out an 8x8 square. From that square I made three planes that measured 5x8, 3x5, 2x3. I did the same with two other squares, after that I then used the planes to make models that resemble the words I used to describe day labor and also that resemble buildings or furniture, For ambitious I wanted to make a building/statue that reaches high to represent ambitious. For helpful I made a model that could offer shelter or a place to sit. And for flexible I made a model that had many uses such as being an entrance, furniture, or even space for rooms. I ended up picking flexible because I liked how the model I made for it could help me make a pavilion and I also thought flexible was a good and strong word to describe day labor.
After I picked which plane model would be used for the pavilion I cut out two more 8x8 squares with the same principle of how I would cut them. So I used those pieces to make a pavilion for a day laborer that also shows the three words I used to describe day labor. After that I made a drawing of the pavilion which was honestly my favorite part of the project.
Project 2:House for a Day Laborer
For this project I was given a client that just got out of day labor and wants to be an electrician as my client that I would be making the house for. I had to make a design that you normally wouldn't see and that would hint at my clients job.
for the research on this assignment I had to figure out and understand my clients job. I had to research facts, risk, and positives about my clients job. This really helped me with organizing the space around the house I was making and really helped me with the lay out. Padlet helped me a lot with just keeping all the information I found somewhere safe and it has the un shortened information I found out about my clients job.
Concepts for Electricians house
And finally we get to my third concept for the house. This house was based off my friends house in Lewisville. I liked how I organized the space in this design and I also liked this design the most because I started to think about the work room. I didn't end up using the design but I did use the same concept for the space.
This is what I came up with to solve my problem of the house design. I used this design for the house since I needed to make a house that would hint at my clients job, so I ended up making a lightbulb design for my clients house. The rooms would represent lightbulbs and the hallway would represent the circuit connect the lightbulbs together. For the room space I focused on putting the most important rooms in the back so whenever he gets a phone call for help he an get out from the garage. I also made the garage the biggest space since it would be the most important place to him.
Last Stage of ProjectThis final part of the project was made on AutoCAD. I made the site plane, floor plan, and the elevations. I first began with the floor plan. For the floor plane I had to think about windows and doors to put into my design. After that I made the elevations for my design. I made the height of the room depend on importance for my client, especially with the garage Then lastly I used he floor plane to make the site plane of my house by using the reference model then putting my floor plane over it then deleting the indoor walls and doors to make a roof view f my design.