Omar Bharwani: Architectural Design II
Exploration: Urban Mobility
For my Urban Mobility project I chose to create a collage depicting the different modes of transportation used in cities. In the pictures you can see how people move around the city and how they all relate to each other. For the background of the collage I chose a network theme over the top of a city to show how everything moves within it and how it is connected together in some way. And finally I included my own definition of mobility, "Mobility is the movement of people and things."
Project 01: Bridges

My first project was to create a bridge on the LISD bike trail. The objective was to design a bridge, rest stop, or tunnel that would benefit the community. For my designs I wanted to come up with a way to make a connection over a creek that intersects two different areas of the city that do not have direct access to each other. The goal of these bridges will be to add a connecting point over the new and existing bike trails and add a new attraction to the city that will encourage the use of bikes in the Hebron area.
Concept Design
For my designs I wanted to create a simple bridge that would not distract people from the trails and nature already there. My designs were based of off other bridges located in the area already that were successful in its uses. These bridges would provide a smooth passage over a creek allowing for cyclist to continue on the trail without stopping. Another factor that went into my designs was safety which is why all my bridges are enclosed.
Project 02: Rest Stops
For my second project I chose to do rest stops. These rest stops would provide a really quick stopping place along the trail for people to rest, use the restrooms, or get a drink of water. These rest stops will allow cyclists to gather resources and regenerate for the trails ahead. The goal was to make pavilion or open air building that would be very simple.
For my designs I wanted to keep keep these buildings as small as I could but still accommodate many people since it is only quick stopping place. Also I wanted to make weather protected area for people to go in due to the heat, rain, or any other uncontrollable weather situations. It will be a secure structure that will provide enough shade for its users. Just like the bridges I did not want to take away the beauty from the rest trail by making a huge structure.
Final Drawings and Model
Hebron Parkway Bridge
Here is my final Hebron Parkway bridge design. For this bridge, the idea was to make a path between two neighborhoods and find a way to connect them so that students of both Creek Valley Middle School and Hebron Valley Elementary could get to school safer and faster. The reasoning behind the design was because I wanted a way to represent the connection between the two neighborhoods which is why one half is twisted representing the two different areas coming together in the middle. Another addition to my design was the the lookout area located in the middle of the bridge. This way both cyclist and pedestrians are able to stop and take in the beauty of the surrounding areas.The inside bridge allows for two ways of traffic to flow through and and is surrounded by an outer shell which is twisted. The outer shell is a perforated sheet of metal allowing for natural light to come into the bridge.
Rest Stop
Below is my final Rest Stop design. The goal was to create a stopping place along the bike trail for people to take a break, use the restroom, and have a place for people to gather. This rest top includes a bike parking garage which allows for people to securely store there bike while they are elsewhere, a pavilion with benches allowing for people to sit and relax, two bathrooms, and a playground for kids to play and have fun. The reasoning behind the location was that I wanted a very large and open space so that this rest stop could also be used for other activities. Another reason is that there aren't many other stopping places so this rest stop will be very helpful to cyclists and pedestrians who want to take a break. I ran into many problems with this rest stop either from making it to small and not providing enough space for its uses or making a design that would most likely not be able to work.