Alexis Loredo: Architecture Practicum
Project 01: Craeft
Project Brief
At the start of the course we were assigned in groups to create a community area for people to come and see what is craft. For the second part we individually had to design those spaces. Our team added a farmers market and a workshop, so my job is to come up with designs for those places.
This are concept ideas for both the farmers market and workshop.
For my workshop I wanted to add a gallery for the craftsman to show their work. I was aiming for a village type, I want people to feel what craft looks like.
The farmers market is related to one of my crafts (Culinary Arts). I made in relationship with vegetation since culinary arts requires raw materials to cook.
Final designs
Farmers Market |
Workshop/Gallery |
Site Plans
The site is located in Denton, TX, in the Old Alton Bridge.
Floor Plans
In the first floor is where the farmers market is going to be located, with stall for the farmers to sell their stuff.
In the second floor is a hanging out area for the people to eat or other activities. |
The first floor is where the gallery, public/private workshop are located. The gallery is made for the craftsman to show their work.
A craftsman is going to show/demonstrate his/her skills to the public, in order to engage the community in craft, al of which is going to happen in the public workshop. Each craftsman is going to have their own separate private workshop to work. Only the private workshops are going to have a second floor, which is going to be use for storage. |
Elevations are a precise and detailed representation of one vertical plane or face of a building or structure.
My use of materials represents craft because it resembles what craft the craftsman are experience in, for example Woodworking in the use of complex designs used for the looks of the areas; pottery for the way walls are made, using round edges; glassblowing for how windows are use.
A section is the drawing of a vertical cut through a building or an area of a building.
Render Revit Pictures