Documentation: Project 01

Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe was born in Aachen, Germany on March 27, 1886. When he was a child, he worked with his father as a stonemason and gradually worked his way up to being an architect where he started his career at the studio of Peter Behrens from 1908 to 1912. After serving in the German military in World War 1, he returned home and designed many buildings made mostly of glass and steel, including the Barcelona Pavilion in 1928. After Mies left Germany in 1933 for Chicago, he started an architecture school and continued his career until his death in 1969.
For this project, my job was to design a house for my "client" to represent the word branch
for their property in the Urban Reserve in Dallas, Texas. This word was fairly easy to
represent in my house, however I ran into some difficulties when fitting the home on my site.
for their property in the Urban Reserve in Dallas, Texas. This word was fairly easy to
represent in my house, however I ran into some difficulties when fitting the home on my site.
Client Narrative - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires |
This slideshow shows how I interpreted the word branch very literally, like a tree branch.
my design improved to fit the client and site progressively until the final floorplan, which
is very different from my concept drawings and original plan.
my design improved to fit the client and site progressively until the final floorplan, which
is very different from my concept drawings and original plan.