Container House
Our objective for this project was to create a home for a set of clients that we had created. In order to create this home, we were given two shipping containers, one that was 40 feet long and another one that was 20 feet long. For this project, we hand drew all of our elevations, site plan, and floor plans. We also built study models that were to scale.
Live/Work Barn
Our objective for this project was to integrate the container home from the first project into a business whose building was made using the template that pre-engineered metal buildings use. For this project, I decided to make a winery that had a tasting bar on one side of the building. For this project we built the rough study model once again, however this time we printed out and created all of our drawings and designs through Sketchup. When we finished this project, we presented it to a board of judges to be critiqued.
Rural Compound
Our objective for this project was to create home based off of a traditional vernacular house type. I chose the dogtrot home style because of the different ways that the buildings could be configured. For this project, we were able to create a 3D model in Sketchup and then print out the model to use in our site plan. We did all of our design for this project using Revit. We made a model of a full sight plan for the entire model, and then we printed out the floor plans and elevations from Revit. We also did several renderings in Revit that we presented to a board of judges for a critique.