The project began by analyzing the site given, Old Alton Bridge. The sun's pathing and wind patterns were initially researched. The sun's path moves around the south side, and the wind is also located on the south side; however, this differs due to seasonal change. Additionally, the river that flows from the south to the north, along the western border, creates a natural border. The topography shown in this site analysis (grey lines) is in intervals of four feet and follows the river's shape. Sound is most prominent on the northwest side of the highway. Furthermore, sound is created from man-made structures in the northeast. Old Alton Bridge is a major point of interest in out site since it would house a guest master craftsman.
The next step in the project was to create a master plan, designing and organizing buildings onto the site. A requirement to create two buildings for the craftsmen, collaborative workspace (where the craftsmen work together) and the community interaction (where the craftsmen present their "craft"). We organized the residential sites based on the path of the sun, as this project is about sustainability, we wanted to use as much natural light as possible. For the collaborative workspace, ten separate rooms house the craftsmen's workspace. Additionally, a storage unit that contains materials and natural water. The community interaction is composed of three different attractions: a gallery walk, an education center, and a market.