Cottage Design
What is craft?
This graphic organizer helped depict my ideas/beliefs in the regards to what craft is and how it functions in real life/in an architectural sense in the early stages of the design. In short it is my opinion that craft is the creation of a specific form in order to serve a specific purpose.
Client and their Cræft
My client is a craftsman. More specifically he is a leather worker. Leather workers focus on specific details and are a very hands on craft requiring a very careful and resourceful person.
Initial Cottage Investigation
Original Concepts
Bubble diagram
This is where my idea was first planned out, originating from the ideas of leather working and how that connects/relates to the ideas of Cræft/Craft and more specifically what that represents for the native Apache tribe. The native Apache tribe was famous for their work with leather especially in regards to the way in which they use every piece of leather that they get from the cow/buffalo using it for things like clothes, baskets and even their homes. This demonstrates craft by their creativity in the ways in which they use their limited materials in order to apply it to their basic needs. This idea uses the ideas of the apache teepee and more specifically the open concept ideas of the teepee |
First Floor plan
The Final Design
After a round of peer review/constructive criticism the model was changed in order to better occupy the space in which it inhabits and better suit the needs of the client.
Floor Plan/Section
In the final floor plan of this model it was decided to revert back to the original idea demonstrated in the bubble plan (Open concept limited walls with the exception of the bathroom which is a walled off room for privacy). Also included in the plan are walls that extend 2 feet out which are made support a false roof which was made in order to accommodate any extra storage/space concerns in the house itself. This false roof is demonstrated in the ajoining section.
Final Model
In the Final model of my design I utilized the ideas demonstrated in the Final concept Plans/designs and transplanted them onto a 3d plan. For the garage/parking a open no walled area with a pitched roof. For the main cottage the home was mainly open concept with no walls with the exception of the bathroom.
Project 2: Forested site
Driving Question: How does architecture express the work and career of traditional craftsmen, allow them to engage in individual and collective productivity, and embrace the steady march of technological evolution?
Methodology: Design every building so that they each represent a way in which leather working was used in the past. This shall help blend the past and present of leather working by modernizing different techniques of leather working.
Updates to apprentice cottage |
Not much was added to the apprentice cottage however the floor plan had a minor change as the rear part of the building was made less narrow so as to lessen any unconvinced that the shape of the building could give to the apprentice.
Master house concepts
In the first concept the irqouis concept was revisited and expanded adding an outdoor living space (a porch located in the front of the building), skylights in order to harness natural light and massively increasing the size (one portion of this design considered removing all other buildings and having the longhouse be the sole structure (with every other building being located there)
Master house Final
In this final design of the master house the chosen concept was updated in order to help best translate the concept into the real world. This was done by changing the tall stained glass windows into much more traditional paneled styles. Alongside this to give the client an outdoor living space a porch with a sloped roof was added alongside a exterior garage (also with a sloped roof). In order to help promote sustainability local trees are to be used in the construction of this building to cut down on carbon emissions and material waste this could also cut down on material costs due to cheaper transport and production. This concept retains the natural light roof concept (See:model photo) alongside the roof connecting to a single point and the building being modeled in order to represent the protective, armor like elements that leather can represent.
Workshop concepts
Both of these buildings main central idea was focused on the use of leather working in education the concept which was represented in both of these concepts was a book.
Workshop final
In the final design of the workshop the first concept was chosen and no major modifications were made to the building. However similar to the master house in order to promote sustainability alongside the aforementioned sunroofs the main material that is to be used for this building is local wood which will reduce carbon emissions,material waste and promote sustainability by cutting down on material costs.